A classic NES controller, tonnes of One Direction stuff (but Yohio caught my eyes), LOTS of old Nintendo games too and I really love that old carriage.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
The 20's vintage findings
So Leo and I went to a flea market and went home with some vintage stuff. I bought some old photos from the 20's and some Pokémon cards to my brother and his collection.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Lil' sleeping Chili <3 I guess too much food/feeding made him.. Sleepy. I can totally relate.
Click for larger pics
Random update
Malin's note that we should all follow or otherwise be truly labelled as lazy asses
I've randomly ordered books, because it was an impulse and I felt like I wanted them. Here they are!
I've also ordered crack cocaine. Nah, it's mastiha gum! Has health benefits, but I'm chewing it because I like the consistency and flavour
Hello, I'm back!
On our last lecture the class had bought our teacher a good bye gift, since we're his last class and he'll be returning and focusing on his cancer research or some kind of research.
Such a funny teacher. At this moment I realized instant karma. We were scheduled to finish 15.30, but he let us go at 10.30 and immediately after that Ivana came up with this flower/tree thingy, a postcard with the class's signatures and a bottle of wine and a good luck wish for his future research. His comments made the day:
"Vilken överraskning minsann. Jaa..." (Haha, typical Swedish reaction.) xD Nothing dramatic.So cute.
As he looked at the postcard: "Oj, jag har till och med fått era autografer." As he held it up in front of the class.
Before everything, he mentioned about the exam, that it's finally coming. "Man kan väl säga att ridån öppnar sig.". And with the gifts coming: "Ja. På tal om den där ridån."
With the wine: "Detta är inget att använda i afton." First reaction of the class was silence, I guess no one really understood. Then he was like "Since we still have a lecture tomorrow." (review). And we bursted out laughing.
The day after Mona, programme manager, came in and visited us and as she mentioned "Janan" leaving us he spoke about yesterday's gifts and the wine Mona was like, jokingly: "I det här programmet delar vi med oss... :)" Janan: "Ja.. Men i det här fallet.. : >".
During Monday, our very last lesson with Janan (?), Cissan came in to hand our lab reports back and Janan, le teachurr, came back in and gathered his stuff to leave for the day, and as he came in he was like: "Now, this is what we've been going through..." and he folded up something looking slightly more complex than this:
This is supposed to show all the reactions going on in our cells. Cell metabolism. Yepp, it's way more than what elementary school taught us... But this was a joke, we didn't learn all of this.. Maybe. :P If I pass the exam I'll be missing biochem, but if I don't I'll hate it till the day I'm passing it.
But all in all, on a smaller scale, me and Leo will Never forget the sudden "p. laugh". Hahahahaha! That moment! How everything was silent for a second and as soon as he looked away me and Leo bursted out laughing, I couldn't stop myself, I cackled into the table, trying to inhibit my laughter. Leo struggled too but he left out less noise. I'm assuming Ola and Karl also reacted to this p. laugh, because they seemed to burst out laughing the same moment me and Leo bursted out. I feel bad now, hopefully the teacher didn't notice cause he's a good guy.
And how Jalle responded to an inside joke me and Leo have: "Varför skulle Jan baka bullar". HhHahahah!
Oh well, some funny moments.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Hello, I'm alive. Kind of
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Bye bye, my soul
I have to be off for a while because I really have to focus on my studies. I've never studied this much before, lulz. Worse case: I'll be back by the end of the month. My exam is in the 28th.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Friday, March 14, 2014
Crazy mug
Last week I customized and ordered this mug, and now it's finally here! I'll enjoy drinking now.
Memes, Android, Zelda, a NASA logo. This is me in one mug.
Stepping on the beach
I think I went nuts, because last night I listened to this for over half an hour. I mean... It's not that bad?
Android 4.3
Writing from my Android.
I can't remember for how long I've ignored the new phone software update that kept sitting like a slug on my notification bar, just waiting for me to update the phone. My phone was rooted (like "jailbreak" for Apple) and all and running on Android 4.1. I'm a very responsible person in general, keeping up with stuff, but when it comes to updates I'm always reluctant. They always take extra space and it's often changes you don't feel or see, hence I always avoid updates.
That's what I thought with this update, just ignoring and ignoring my love. Until I finally looked up what the update included. For weeks I've been waiting for a new Android update (well I wanted Android 4.4 KitKat) and didn't know, this was a huge update. Anyway, as I looked up what my update was about (12.1.A.0.266) I realized it was Android 4.3! I fleeew out of bed (was gonna take a nap) and ran to the computer to update. And so I did, updated OTA (over-the-air), and it failed! PUCK! I started cursing myself for fudging up my phone by flashing stuff before. It's always a hassle to fix stuff like this since I consider myself a rookie. But long story short, after tons of research to make sure my phone's situation wasn't gonna get ruined by a certain method for upgrading, I finally managed to fix it.
Android 4.3 is so beautiful (as usual) and I tried (as I always do) a new launcher this time. Windows 8, launcher 8. And this is what my phone currently looks like. Very simple on the outside.
But this...
This is what made the update so beautiful. I've added a theme for my phone, that's why it's even more beautiful with this wooden theme
Abandoned cabin
So I'm extremely passionate about abandoned places and things and I realized I haven't posted about this cabin that I visited back in September (I think) 2013, when I've just moved.
For more abandoned places I've visited (in Swedish): Click here
Thursday, March 13, 2014
I have no soul
It is seriously a beautiful weather in Sweden, spring is shining through our asses. Everyone, it's time to start shaving!
I can't wait till the biochem exam is over and I can finally go home to Stockholm or visit my guy. The next month will have some parties included and several birthdays. And a very nice course schedule! Sofia, a beautiful time is coming, hold on and fight now and celebrate later. Oh well, gotta go pooping now and then study.
Mark Wiens
Whenever I can't fall asleep at night, which happens almost every night, I'd start watching Youtube videos, especially food videos. Weird food, or "interesting" food I'd say. So I'm watching MarkWiens@yt videos, he's a traveler and eats different foods, basically. And I just love everything he eats! I have no idea what most of it tastes like but it all looks so yummy! Anyway, I mostly like his "Indian videos", foods from India and here's one popular video from India.
Lab time & pretty sh*t
Today we had a lab going on, working with Victoria, did electrophoresis. We were the second group to be done for the day but instead of leaving we just sat in the classroom just chillin' and talking. We got to keep our results!
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Done for today
Old picture from the good ol' times
I'm "finally" done for today, meaning I've been studying till ca. 02.20 AM. :) It's now two weeks and some days before the exam, the huge exam. It's good that I'm not procrastinating the whole course till last week like I've usually done... Sometimes it worked with one week, other times it didn't.
Everyone's obsessed with Ace Wilder - Busy doin' nothin' and I'm no exception.
No pain - no gain. Gotta suffer to get what I want!
Monday, March 10, 2014
Nocturnal Thoughts
Dear me,
This week has had two nostalgia trips. I've read old letters, conversations and such of my ex and the beginning with my current honey. I no longer have any emotional attachements to these oldies but stuff were way more beautiful than I remember. I mean the moments, letters... Chats. Just now, I was going through about twenty pages of my old blog, from the beginning and onward (my old blog has 50+ pages) and it all started in the beginning of my "high school" time. Obviously I wrote a lot about me and my ex but I noticed one more thing. I blogged a lot! It was almost everyday, three days of no posting was like "oh I'm sorry for being away so much" . Haha, look at me now, I blog like once a week. Nah, it was good to look back, reminding myself of what a good blogger I used to be and I should start that habit again. I literally posed about every single little bullshit that happened in life and those little moments are actually the most fun part. My life is obviously not as eventful as it used to be back in the days, but I can still post stuff that I find interesting.
I've just listened to a song that really brings me back to the days: Darin-Laura. Now this song...! I went to mellanstadiet when this song was out. A free time.
I sometimes post stuff talking about how much have changed over time. The last two years have really been crazy for me! SO much has happened! I went single, left with the hugest heartbreak. The process of healing was a beautiful period because of my friends and the support I received from them. Three months later I turned 18 and dayyymnnnn, the most crazy time of my life was about to begin! My first official clubbing night was a friday on my birthday, it was the perfect timing. Since then I was going out EVERY. SINGLE. WEEKEND partying. Something new always happened every weekend. That was not it. Just about two weeks after my 18th birthday I met my current boyfriend. And with him would my even-bigger-adventure-than-before begin! As time went on I changed into a different person very quickly. Shit went cray during my year of 18. And then I turned 19 and I started to settle down, taking a pause from all the partying. It kind of got really boring. It started with Khil-Khil dropping off, in the end I felt the same feeling too. Only Diana stayed in that night life. Anyway, now I'd love to party more frequently but I'm in a difficult situation for that to happen.
Stuff's really weird. I feel really weird right now, 02.28 AM, writing this post. I'm such a changed person. Should I strive to become something I was before...? Should I stay where I am?
Anyway, I've never expressed this on my blog, but I really, really appreciate Malin! Without her I wouldn't be as sensible as I am right now. I'm living alone in a city I've never visited before. Imma freaking live here for years and it actually gets to you sometimes when you're alone, that... Or, it's actually striking me now, that this lonliness is chewing on your mind. I need a plant in my room. Something living. I've had spiders, but they're just guests. Back on track: Malin is a huge support for me, in every aspect of life. Snapchat is our ground. We chat about every minute of our lives. "Gotta pee, brb." "I don't wanna studyy!", etc. Hearing from her that often makes me feel like she's here with me. :) A precious friend I'll never let go of.
Then of course we have my boyfriend who also supports me, but not quite the same way. :P He's there as much as I want to and we can talk about everything but he's an extremely independent pucker and that results in not having the same relationship as with Malin.
Oh well, this is the first time in a long time that I'll be staying at home for at least three weeks without traveling somewhere (Sthlm or West) because of effing biochemistry. I hope I'll come out sane.
Yours forever
This week has had two nostalgia trips. I've read old letters, conversations and such of my ex and the beginning with my current honey. I no longer have any emotional attachements to these oldies but stuff were way more beautiful than I remember. I mean the moments, letters... Chats. Just now, I was going through about twenty pages of my old blog, from the beginning and onward (my old blog has 50+ pages) and it all started in the beginning of my "high school" time. Obviously I wrote a lot about me and my ex but I noticed one more thing. I blogged a lot! It was almost everyday, three days of no posting was like "oh I'm sorry for being away so much" . Haha, look at me now, I blog like once a week. Nah, it was good to look back, reminding myself of what a good blogger I used to be and I should start that habit again. I literally posed about every single little bullshit that happened in life and those little moments are actually the most fun part. My life is obviously not as eventful as it used to be back in the days, but I can still post stuff that I find interesting.
I've just listened to a song that really brings me back to the days: Darin-Laura. Now this song...! I went to mellanstadiet when this song was out. A free time.
I sometimes post stuff talking about how much have changed over time. The last two years have really been crazy for me! SO much has happened! I went single, left with the hugest heartbreak. The process of healing was a beautiful period because of my friends and the support I received from them. Three months later I turned 18 and dayyymnnnn, the most crazy time of my life was about to begin! My first official clubbing night was a friday on my birthday, it was the perfect timing. Since then I was going out EVERY. SINGLE. WEEKEND partying. Something new always happened every weekend. That was not it. Just about two weeks after my 18th birthday I met my current boyfriend. And with him would my even-bigger-adventure-than-before begin! As time went on I changed into a different person very quickly. Shit went cray during my year of 18. And then I turned 19 and I started to settle down, taking a pause from all the partying. It kind of got really boring. It started with Khil-Khil dropping off, in the end I felt the same feeling too. Only Diana stayed in that night life. Anyway, now I'd love to party more frequently but I'm in a difficult situation for that to happen.
Stuff's really weird. I feel really weird right now, 02.28 AM, writing this post. I'm such a changed person. Should I strive to become something I was before...? Should I stay where I am?
Anyway, I've never expressed this on my blog, but I really, really appreciate Malin! Without her I wouldn't be as sensible as I am right now. I'm living alone in a city I've never visited before. Imma freaking live here for years and it actually gets to you sometimes when you're alone, that... Or, it's actually striking me now, that this lonliness is chewing on your mind. I need a plant in my room. Something living. I've had spiders, but they're just guests. Back on track: Malin is a huge support for me, in every aspect of life. Snapchat is our ground. We chat about every minute of our lives. "Gotta pee, brb." "I don't wanna studyy!", etc. Hearing from her that often makes me feel like she's here with me. :) A precious friend I'll never let go of.
Then of course we have my boyfriend who also supports me, but not quite the same way. :P He's there as much as I want to and we can talk about everything but he's an extremely independent pucker and that results in not having the same relationship as with Malin.
Oh well, this is the first time in a long time that I'll be staying at home for at least three weeks without traveling somewhere (Sthlm or West) because of effing biochemistry. I hope I'll come out sane.
Yours forever
Unedited face and picture! (Because I'm lazy)
Sunday, March 9, 2014
The whole weekend was supposed to be dedicated to studies but screw that because I was moving to this new blog. It was frustrating but yeah... I made it and now I'm relatively satisfied with the design.
Yesterday I watched Melodifestivalen online with Malin and the whole time we were cheering for Ace. I was so damn convinced that she was gonna win because who doesn't love that song?! EU loved her! And then... Suddenly us swedes made her lose to Sanna. With two points!!! Gaddamnit!! I was so pissed! Sigh. But Sanna is also good, my second favorite, but I prefer Ace to represent us in Eurivision.
Anyway, last weekend I visited my huntie for five days!
Yesterday I watched Melodifestivalen online with Malin and the whole time we were cheering for Ace. I was so damn convinced that she was gonna win because who doesn't love that song?! EU loved her! And then... Suddenly us swedes made her lose to Sanna. With two points!!! Gaddamnit!! I was so pissed! Sigh. But Sanna is also good, my second favorite, but I prefer Ace to represent us in Eurivision.
Anyway, last weekend I visited my huntie for five days!
We played a lot on the PS3, Resident Evil 6, we watched lots of movies and bought Sonic!!! Nostalgia! I'm the only one who wants to play Sonic that much, so I'm the one maintaining it.
This was very spontaneous. I just surfed the web as usual and stumbled upon this sale on this air-balloon flight and told Malin immediately about it. It ended up with me and Malin going to this in the summer!!! (Two adventures with Malin this summer!!) Yes, a dream come true! A dream I've had since like five years back! Here it finally is!
I'm and Androider in my heart and this was a very pretty wallpaper I found. Ehehe, screw Apple iPod, you'll never be free from my Android influences.
Here's Chili, the diablo turtle. He became hyper after Islam gave him an earthworm. Damn, that was brutal but apparently it was a treat for Chili. It was also very disgusting to watch Chili tear the poor worm apart!! Seeing the flesh being torn apart, some intestines flying all over the aquarium. Nah, no intestines, but bloody hell. Even Bobbo ate a huge part of that worm! He approached the piece of worm and ate it in an instant. Is it good for aquatic fishes to eat this stuff...?
http://soofsofia.bloggplatsen.se/ I'll visit you... My precious.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Okej, så jag har bestämt mig för att prova en ny bloggplattform. Jag minns i början av gymnasiet när jag skulle bestämma en plattform. Blogspot.com var faktiskt ett alternativ, men då verkade det för komplicerat och jag hade inte tid att lära mig alla funktioner, så jag valde något lättare. Låt oss se hur detta kommer gå ...
Anledningen till att jag har valt engelska för den här bloggen är för att jag älskar engelska. Jag älskar att tala och skriva det ... Över svenska. Eftersom jag nu går i ett svensktalande universitetet så känner jag ett behov av att hålla mitt "naturliga" språk, engelska, som jag har talat i tre år. IEGS har hjärntvättat mig väl.
Alright, so I've decided to try out a new blog platform. I remember in the beginning of high school when I was gonna decide a platform. Blogspot.com was actually an option, but at that time it seemed too complicated and I didn't have time to learn all the features, so I chose something easier. Let's see how this will roll...
The reason why I've chosen english for this blog is because I love english. I love speaking and writing it... Over swedish. Since I'm now attending a swedish speaking university I feel the need to keep my "natural" language, english, which I've spoken for three years. IEGS brainwashed me well.
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