Hello, I'm back!
On our last lecture the class had bought our teacher a good bye gift, since we're his last class and he'll be returning and focusing on his cancer research or some kind of research.
Such a funny teacher. At this moment I realized instant karma. We were scheduled to finish 15.30, but he let us go at 10.30 and immediately after that Ivana came up with this flower/tree thingy, a postcard with the class's signatures and a bottle of wine and a good luck wish for his future research. His comments made the day:
"Vilken överraskning minsann. Jaa..." (Haha, typical Swedish reaction.) xD Nothing dramatic.So cute.
As he looked at the postcard: "Oj, jag har till och med fått era autografer." As he held it up in front of the class.
Before everything, he mentioned about the exam, that it's finally coming. "Man kan väl säga att ridån öppnar sig.". And with the gifts coming: "Ja. På tal om den där ridån."
With the wine: "Detta är inget att använda i afton." First reaction of the class was silence, I guess no one really understood. Then he was like "Since we still have a lecture tomorrow." (review). And we bursted out laughing.
The day after Mona, programme manager, came in and visited us and as she mentioned "Janan" leaving us he spoke about yesterday's gifts and the wine Mona was like, jokingly: "I det här programmet delar vi med oss... :)" Janan: "Ja.. Men i det här fallet.. : >".
During Monday, our very last lesson with Janan (?), Cissan came in to hand our lab reports back and Janan, le teachurr, came back in and gathered his stuff to leave for the day, and as he came in he was like: "Now, this is what we've been going through..." and he folded up something looking slightly more complex than this:
This is supposed to show all the reactions going on in our cells. Cell metabolism. Yepp, it's way more than what elementary school taught us... But this was a joke, we didn't learn all of this.. Maybe. :P If I pass the exam I'll be missing biochem, but if I don't I'll hate it till the day I'm passing it.
But all in all, on a smaller scale, me and Leo will Never forget the sudden "p. laugh". Hahahahaha! That moment! How everything was silent for a second and as soon as he looked away me and Leo bursted out laughing, I couldn't stop myself, I cackled into the table, trying to inhibit my laughter. Leo struggled too but he left out less noise. I'm assuming Ola and Karl also reacted to this p. laugh, because they seemed to burst out laughing the same moment me and Leo bursted out. I feel bad now, hopefully the teacher didn't notice cause he's a good guy.
And how Jalle responded to an inside joke me and Leo have: "Varför skulle Jan baka bullar". HhHahahah!
Oh well, some funny moments.
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