Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Haha: Cheating husband double mutilated

"Cheating husband double mutilated
A 32-year-old man in China used his wife's phone to send flirty e-mails to his mistress.
Infidelity cost him the limb - twice.
The man's 21-year-old wife discovered the e-mails, grabbed a pair of scissors and rushed into their bedroom and cut off her husband's penis while he slept, reports the Central European News.
The 32-year-old was rushed to the hospital where family fortune was successfully sewn back. The wife did, however sneak into the hospital, cut off his penis again and threw it out the window.
The body part was never found."

Besides the really shitty written article on its own, I couldn't stop my giggly-gig. Bitch was crazy! Psycho! It's not like the first time was enough, she had to do a double kill and make sure the body part was never to be seen again. 

"The body part was never found": where the hell did it go then? Probably outside the window? Because who the hell would want a bloody ass peyniss they've found on the street? Maybe the wifey took it? What happened to her? Did she get arrested? Do people even get arrested? We don't know shit from this article. This text seemed to be written by a 13 year old!!!

I've seen several articles like this where a woman cut off her husband's dieck. But the pattern I've always seen is that it is ALWAYS happening in China! China really does the most effed up shit. If you ever see a brutal article where some body part is being removed, torture of an animal or whatever, it's probably the work of a Chinese. 

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