It's pretty common that women have this role they have to take on at home, meaning we do the chores at home while the guys can sit on their asses with a beer playing games all day.
This story I'm about to tell happened once, quite recently and I'm still pissed about it when I think of it. I help out with the chores at home every day BUT as soon as I skip one day, when I don't want to do the dishes, hell breaks loose. I had this one day, it was actually the day of my job interview, I felt like shit afterwards and didn't think I was going to get the job at all. I'm sensitive that way, that I need to be perfect in professional situations. Anyway, I felt really sad and down and I spent most of my afternoon in bed and didn't feel like doing anything. What happens is that I get bashed on for not wanting to do the dishes!
People never see the good things you do until you stop doing them. One thing I loathe about the roles women and men have at home is the roles they're supposed to have. Women are supposed to do this and men do that.
Women do the cooking, dishes and all the cleaning every single day and men, well men are supposed to do the more "heavy" stuff. Like building that IKEA chair or fix that cupboard or whatever handy stuff around the house, right?
Now, hold your breaths, because the real rant is coming.
How often do guys need to do the "heavy" stuff?? How often do you need to build a chair, how often do you need to fix things around the house? Is it a daily chore for you to fix those things? Is it?! If it was then I wouldn't rant right now! How often do women have to cook, clean, do the laundry and all that stuff compared to how often you, men, need to do your shit?!
Women do their shit every single day, day in, day out, men only need to do their heavy stuff like... Oh, I don't know! Every 6 months?!
This is where I want men and women to do the daily chores equally. Unless cooking, doing the dishes, cleaning and other chores require a vagina to do the job then I'd understand that only women can do these jobs. But do you use your vajay to do the daily chores? No. You only need two arms and two legs. Do all humans have that? Apparently, yes. Is it a difficult task, the home chores? Not really, we all can do it. A drunk monkey can do it, then so do men.
Ya'll sit on yo' asses all day doing yo' shit on yo' computers while women do all the work at home! Think about it, if men helped out at home, the productivity at home would be so much more efficient and done faster with more people who'd help out.
If we look at other cultures, including mine, the Asian, you often see when it comes to dinner time that all the women do the cooking and cleaning afterwards. Doesn't matter if they've worked the same hours as their men, women should do their thing in the kitchen while men sit with a beer in front of the TV. After eating dinner the woman cleans the whole shit up. And the men just... Chill.
What the actual fuck! I asked my aunt why her husband didn't help out. I asked every woman there why the guys didn't do shit. And I hate the answer that I got: "Oh, but some things can only be done better if women do it, while men are better at other things."
Again, unless you build IKEA chairs with your dick and use your vajay to do the cooking then I'd understand.
What kind of fucking answer was that?! "Women do certain things better". You have two arms, men can do the exact same fucking thing. Throw them some dishes and let them do it for a week and they'll be just as good as women! For fucks sake! Whenever I buy furniture from IKEA, I'd build my own shit!
Maybe it's just who I am, but I'm very handy. I do the heavy, "man stuff" by myself with whatever I can. Obviously I can't carry heavy furniture if I was going to move, but throw me a car and let me fix the engine if it broke. Whatever I can carry, I'll do it myself. I'll change my own tires. Hell, we have these network cables that are a bit messy and who fixed it? Me.
I don't know. Men can do things women can too, they just don't want to. It's all about their complaining. Men complain for two weeks before they have to do their thing and once they do it they complain even more. "OOOH! Poor me! I help out so much and this task is sooo annoying, women don't do shit, only forces us men to do things! I hate doing the dishes!!". Yeah, shut the fuck up, I asked you to do the dishes ONCE a week while I do it the rest of the week.
I have so much difficulty taking orders from authorities. So much that I can't even decide things for myself. If someone tells me to do something I won't. Or I will, but I wouldn't be very happy doing it. If I decide to do something, I'd do it myself with a piece of joy in the work. I'm now talking about house work, mostly. I wouldn't do this in my professional field. But seriously. Don't tell me what I should do. I know it myself and when the time is right, I'll do it. And I do it passionately and with perfection.
Okay, I'm running out of thoughts because I can tell I'm starting to talk about pure shit.
Anyway, I can't live with other people. People who would get close to me and see the real me would hate me. That's why I want to live alone. Not because I care about you and you shouldn't suffer my anger. No, haha, oh no. I hate ya'll that's why. I'm saving my own ass.
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