Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Update: working at the lab

Pic stolen from Google

I'm so bad at updating! That's because a lot is happening and I don't feel the motivation to write down everything that has happened. But I'll tell you shortly what's been going on in my life.

I've started my new job. I'm working in a lab. Basically my job has been about taking blood tests, but tomorrow will be my first day to work at the acute area of the lab. What has happened and what have I learned and stuff regarding this new job? Well quite a lot. 

First of all, I totally feel like this is my place to be, which is the most important. It's really fun to work in a lab. I'm learning how to take blood tests, as mentioned before, but also service. How to respectfully treat my patients, it's also a lot about trying to comfort the patients. But the thing with this is that IT'S SO DIFFERENT everyday! You don't know what patient is behind the door when you arrive at the place, their room. You don't know how your day will look like from day to day. Yesterday was the most busy day ever! I worked with Linda, which has been at the hospital for two years, not a long time, but she's good. We had about 10+ tests to do, and that took the whole day to work out! And today was only about 5 test during the whole day. Of course I become restless, so I start walking, walking around the lab and disturb people. Just kidding, I just walk around the whole lab and see what info I can suck in for my further studies. Because this is a free ticket to get info about what I'll be studying in second, and then, third year. 

But it's been such an exciting and fun time. Also very sweaty. You become very nervous, I mean, serious sweat, like when the surgeon sweat, when things don't go the way you want it to during the tests. There's A LOT to thing about durng a testing, but it'll become routine in time. 

At the beginning I was totally gone, the first days. There was a lot of info, everything was new. But now, on my second week, it's all settling in and I feel more and more comfy with my work. But, a big BUT, is that you'll never be totally comfy then you're positioned at the bloog test area. Because every patient you meet will be different in some way. Some patients are easy to take blood off of, others can be a pain in the ass. 

Anyway, I start at 7 AM everyday, which means I'll be waking up at 05:25 AM and that is another pain in the ass! Actually, I'm not tired at all with 5 hrs of sleep. If I keep going throughout the day, I'll make it til night time. But trust me, that hasn't happened. Yesterday was the first day to totally die. I "took a nap" at like 7 PM, woke up at 10 PM. Thinking I had so many things to do and fix, but procrastination! So I screwed that and continued to sleep till morning. I slept about 9 hours that day?? Yeah, I was still dead tired when I woke up in the morning. 

Another funny thing to mention, I took a sample on my classmate that had a surgery. I was surprised to see her :P but it was fun! I stuck her twice, sometimes you have to do that because the blood doesn't come out. I was sweaty. It went really well, but you know, you still get sweaty when things don't go your way. 

I'm too lazy to continue writing. Or this was probably all I wanted to mention with this part of my life. And this text is already too long. I'll have another post coming up too.

Oh! And I saw MALDI-TOF MS in real life! ;D It was exactly as the video, posted previously! but much more exciting irl!

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