Sunday, September 28, 2014

Stockholm Visit

I was at home in Stockholm for a short visit. I came in hopes of the stupid hot air balloon flight that, of course, never happened because of the bad weather. Whatever.

I met Sauma, we hung out shortly but the main thing for this visit was to meet Diäänuh again! I don't think we've met since February. Damn, I've missed her! Even t hough we fought, but we still love each other and it was so nice to meet her again and just chat and gossip. Then we went off to Göta! 

Team pretty bitches

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Dat 17, 18, 19

Day 17 - Something that fascinates me

Paranormal, supernatural... Creepy, inexplainable things. Creepy things we can't explain. I have a whole encyclopedia of things like this on my book shelf. I don't dare to read it at times. 

Day 18 - My dream job

Live life and get paid for it. Nah, let's be more realistic. My ultimate dream have always been to become an austronaut... Yeah.. I don't know. 

Otherwise, something more likely to happen, and more realistic to strive for, is to work at a high tech, crazy lab. Working with dangerous components, or things that are forbidden... A lab that will spice up the time spent in there. I'm not interested at woking in labs with biosafety 4 (the most secured level, where agents such as Ebola are handled in), but more like... I don't know. Speaking of forbidden stuff, drugs. I want a masters in toxicology, I guess that's my current dream job. Working with toxic substances and study on how they affect the human body and the environment. 

Day 19 - This is always in my bag

Medicine for general symptoms, fever, aches and such. I also carry a lip balm everywhere. Yeah, that's about it. Not much more. 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Day 16 - This makes me cry

I'm finally catching up on this 31 days list, and now I'm back on track.

Day 16 - This makes me cry

I rarely cry, except for when it comes to that thing, which I won't ever talk about on this blog because it's private. Otherwise emotional, strong, inspiring things makes me shed a tear quite easily, but only when I'm alone and seeing these things. Things that touches your soul, that inspires you to dream big, that pulls you out of your shit pit. That's the stuff that makes me cry. 

There are several things like this that makes me cry but the easiest that most people know of is Katy Perry's Firework song and video, that stuff makes me cry when I focus on the lyrics and watch the video. 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Day 13, 14, 15

Day 13 - A moment I'll never forget

Hahah, probably the moments when I get the messages from the teachers when I passed the exams. Especially chemistry and medical microbiology. Because I had the lowest expectations, I was ready to accept an F, but miracles happen. 

Day 14 - Three places I wanna visit

1. Canada
2. Dracula's castle in Romania
3. USA

Yeah, quite boring answers.

Day 15 - Five pictures from 2012


This was like in Mars. I remember, at this point of my life, I was moving on from the break up I had in February. I remember my sadness but I was moving on.

This was during early summer. The first time I met Malin again. We went to this abandoned hotel, that is now gone...

Me and Kk don't care, we do whatever we want. We hid from class and played cards at this time, I think

On my birthday, when I turned 18. Party at Viper Room

2012 was the year I put more of my soul into my interest in abandoned places and I found some this year

Day 12 - A significant year of your life

Day 12 - A significant year of your life

Hellllll yeaaaaahhh!! 2012! Will always be significant to me! A lot happened here. 

This is what happened:

  1. The year started with a huge heartbreak.
  2. I then became very close friends with Kk.
  3. I turned 18
  4. I TURNED 18!!!
  5. I partied every weekend from that day on (my birthday was also on a Friday, perfect time to party)
  6. In May I met someone that would change my life.
  7. During summer I regained contact with my other half, Malin.
  8. Summer 2012 was well spent with Malin, watching the Swedish series Tunnelbanan
  9. But also haning out a lot with Is
  10. Last year of high school started in the fall.
  11. More party in the fall, cruises, clubs, bars
  12. More drama with love
  13. New years party at Is place with lots of people
2012 was surely an emotional roller coaster and many, MANY changes happened. It was crazy, a lot of fun but also a lot of drama. Many ups and downs.



Android vs. Apple. Android In My Heart

1. Today was a good day for my Android usage. First off, I had updated my battery saving app (I use Easy Battery Saver) and the update totally sucked. Many customers complained and I was no exception. The update contained new unneccessary features that totally drained the battery faster than ever before. And so I gave my feedback and hated the world, until an idea popped up in my head.

Why don't I just download the old version externally?

BAYM!! I googled and apk file and there it was, the old version. I uninstalled the original app and downloaded the old version. BAM, my phone is now back to normal and my battery is saved.

2. SwiftKey is, in my opinion, the best keyboard out there on Google Play. I was just browsing the themes available for the app and I noticed the premier pack had its price crossed over and I started wondering what the actual price was (thought it was a sale). I didn't see anything because it said "FREE" right next to the price! And since SwiftKey's new themes are beautiful, I was of course thrilled! I downloaded the whole pack for free!! Thank you SwiftKey!!!! Daymn, these themes are beautiful!!! That was a nice moment, not even needing to update the whole app to get new themes, as you had to before. Good moment of shit.

And then we have this iPhone 6 coming out. I really believe that Apple went down since Jobs died. You guys aren't unique anymore. Apple keeps copying Android and you guys slowly, but steady are turning into Androids for every update. Just saying, just saying. I have an iPod 5 touch, I know what I'm talking about.

I even thought to myself... "The day iPhones are customizable like Androids, will be the day I'll buy an iPhone". Betrayal of Android. :( No, the only reason would be for Apple's camera. That's all, becuase the camera of the middle range Androids aren't that good. But then I just asked my heart, and I actually can never turn myself to Apple. I will stand by Android, especially Xperia. I love you guys. I'm a true Sony (Ericsson) customer.

And that's also the beauty of Android. You can solve anything with Android! If something effs up, you can simply google the problem and there will be something for you. Unhappy with an update of an app? There's probably an old version on Google. We love Google, and Google is running Android. See the power I'm talking about?

I might seem immature about this Android vs. Apple thing. "Why don't you just let people be?! Let them buy whatevah' dey waant!" Well, I am passionate about innovation (Android) and having full power of your device (customization. Fixin'-trixin') rather than worshipping a copy cat and being stuck with fixed usage (Apple).

I ain't hatin' on Apple users, because some of the best people in my life are real "Apples" (loyal Apple users), but just sayin'... I ain't hatin' on you guys. No judging. I'm just gonna do some green Android graffiti on your house. Just gonna reset your brain and teach you the Android life.

No, but in all seriousness. I'm just really passionate and proud about Android and it gets really annoying when people say all the new Apple features are new when they actually copied Android. That's probably on of the factors of how the war started.

(On the other hand... I do love Apple when it comes to their iPods, that's where I'm a true fan of them; but not the rest of their products...)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Day 09 , 10, 11

Day 09 - I wish to experience this again

I'd say different periods of my life. High school, the Vietnam trips... But otherwise... Right now at this moment in life, I'd like to experience freedom, happiness and butterflies in my tummy. Sounds so cliche. But it's really important right now. 

This was a really short answer, but whatever. 


Day 10 - Five words that best describe me

This is just how I see myself:

#1 Calm: Yeah, I can tolerate a lot, and my mood is quite stable.

#2 Passionate: I have an inner flame. Once I'm interested or hooked to something, I would do anything for it.
#3 Laugh too much: I don't  know, I think I'm dry and people just amuse me, a lot amuses me. Which, I guess, is a good feature. To be easily amused and smile a lot, even though I don't feel well.
#4 Crazy: I don't think I'm literally crazy like some people can be. But I definitely have a weird, crazy side, an adventurous soul. An inner need to do shit that most people wouldn't think of doing. 
#5 Easy going: I just don't care about a lot of small things. I can go with the flow and just do whatever. I also forgive and forget easily. I'm just strolling through life without caring too much. This doesn't mean I never care or I never have troubles. Of course I do. But sometimes people have a hard time of letting go of smaller things.

Day 11 - This makes me upset

Probably stupid people. Not just any type of stupidity. But the one that is totally incredibly stupid. Someone that says stupid comments, someone that's bullshitting, someone who doesn't know fundamental communication, etc. Much more. It's your average idiot I'm talking about. And also Kim Kardashian upsets me. 

Day 08 - An awkward moment

So, I know I've missed a whole week of posting. But trust me, I really have my reasons... I have a lot of stress and a lot going on right now. It's not just school but shit has happened. But hey, at least I can blog how much I want on this 31 days list. I'll try to catch up.

Day 08 - An awkward moment

Awkward and fun as hell. You know those few moments in life where you laugh so hard that your abs will get muscle sores, and how you literally feel like a firework, just exploding out of laughter. Well, these were one of the moments.

Me and my ex had decided to meet up and have a last talk about our relationship. This was at the end of it all. We met up on the stairs in high school and talked and talked for a long time. 

I really felt that my tummy was gaseous and annoyed and I was able to hold it in for several times. But suddenly, out of nowhere a burst of a loud fart shook the whole scene. The thing is, I never felt it coming, my muscles totally failed me. I was surprised myself that it was able to come out! I laughed and laughed but my serious ex just had a sad smile on his face and said "it's okay". I could stand there for hours and laugh but needed to cool down for the sake of my ex. When we were done me and Diana and Sauma were in the Curie corridor and I told them what happened and my ex's reaction and all three of us busted out laughing like never before. I fell on the floor, lying there just bursting out. 

It probably doesn't sound very funny on text but this was pretty awkward for me but I'm turning it into something funny. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Day 07 - I regret this

Day 07 - I regret this

I had never regretted things and I generally don't. 

But I regret punching bitches in the face if they've hurted me deeply, and there's two individuals in my life that I truly think deserve a death sentence. It's mostly because they have never heard the word "apologize". I haven't done shit to them, I'm a good person, I'm nice and respectful to people but haters gonna hate, because I know these people, deep down, want something from me. To like them back, to seek confirmation from me, to get a reaction from me. 

Haters gonna hate. 

And I have something that they want. So there's two reactions, 1. You let it be. 2. You eff up the person you envy. And these two people chose #2 and used it on me. I kept my head high and heart hard as stone when they kept punching me. But when the punching is over and you relax, that's when you start to soften up, you start to think and feel again. And that's when the regret hit me. Why didn't I do anything? I think I did the right thing despite the regret. I was mature, didn't start any drama and such.

I didn't start any drama because I know, arguing with these two people will be like arguing to a wall. Stupid people will always be stupid and their mouths will never shut up. On the other hand, why don't more sensible people sew the stupid people mouths shut? That's where the regret sits. 

But then we have this power that I believe in, karma. And guess what, I have seen how karma fucked these people that I deeply loathe. Even though I would have liked to use karma on my fist to punch these people and express my anger, I actually think that mental fuck up would be better. And THAT, my folks, is what is going on with these people. :) 

I don't condone corporal punishment but sometimes that's all that's needed for someone to wake up and realize what they're doing. 

But I don't want these two to understand, I like seeing them cringe in agony and I find pleasure in seeing their lives fuck up right in front of them. I didn't need to do shit, because their stupidity caused it themselves. 

Give respect, get respect. - Mr. Taylor.

Man Dives into an Exploding Volcano

Volcanos are the earth's pimples.

Here's an epic video of a human being really close to the pimple. 

"Kourounis is an adventurer and storm chaser who specializes in documenting extreme weather conditions. With fellow explorer and filmmaker Sam Cossman, the pair climbed deep into the Marum crater, located in an active volcano on the South Pacific's Vanuatu archipelago."

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

06 - Five pictures that make me happy

Day 05 - Someone I miss

I missed yesterdays post cause I was at a friends place to study, so I'll do 2 today to catch up. 

Day 05 - Someone I miss

I just don't care anymore.

I actually miss an ex-bestie. We're not friends anymore and will never be. Nothing dramatic happened that ended our friendship, meaning it wasn't shit about jealousy, stealing someones man and sh*t like that. But on the later days she was just so gone and I was fed up and so we split up. 

I miss her and the memories we had together because she was literally crazy and we brought each others craziness out. We went on so many random adventures, I have most of it all documented on my old blog btw. We would often just hang out after school in town to eat, talk, do some shopping, or the favorite: Go on adventures. Just go anywhere and discover whatever's there. Stockholm is a big city and there's lots to see. 

She was a really typical Aries! Very passionate, had a huge, generous heart, strong opinions, argued, dared to do really crazy things (and trust me they were really crazy... Once, on a group presentation she climbed up on a table in front of the class and the teacher, and started her presentation by screaming and pointing out to the class "Eff you, you and you!!". And she had told nobody in the group about this. Not sure if the group grade got affected by this...). I mean, she loved me and I loved her, it really showed that we were a crazy pair. She is a really good friend with a huge heart but once she hates, she really hates and never forgive. 

But she will always be in my mind and heart and it's sad that I'll never experience the same feelings and experiences again. Though it was frustrating in the end, it was surely hell of a nice time when we were friends. 

Here we were walking to an abandoned place and it was raining. We didn't have an umbrella or anything to cover ourselves. So I just simply came up with this idea. Went to a grocery store, took these and BAM. Partially protected from the rain. :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Stunning Abandoned Stuff

Just stunning pictures of abandoned places and things:

Link, click here to get to the page.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Day 04 - Your thoughts on love, and your first love

Day 04 - Your thoughts on love, and your first love

I've had this question answered before in Swedish 2011, from my old blog (here). It's really interesting to read how I viewed this topic back then, 3 years ago and how I think about this now.

When I wrote that old post I was dating my, now, ex. He was my very first boyfriend to have a "real" relationship with. Meaning we hung out and did a lot of activities together, we were truly in love, we had met each others parents, travelled together and such. But I've been in love before meeting him, which also involved real feelings, I'll come back to it later in this text. 

Two years have passed since that ex that I dated between 2011-2012. He is significant to me because it was my first serious one. 

Now to the actual topic of this post, I'm kind of clueless of what to write actually... 



I mean... My view on love? I used to be a role model when it came to this topic. Haha, but now I'm just a lost soul. You're probably wondering what happened. It's a long story of course, very complicated too. But that's for another time. 

Here's my thoughts on love: I'm freaking tired of it, right now, at this point in life. But I do enjoy the feeling of love, who doesn't? I like that passion and to share love with someone, feeling the butterflies and such. 

But my fundamental opinions of love and relationships will always be the same. To be faithful, have trust in your loved one and all that traditional jazz. It is really easy to get carried away with you are deeply in love with someone. You become excited, you always want to hear from your loved one, want to be with them 24/7. I don't really know what else to say, my opinion is the traditional way. Things should last as much as possible. 

But that's rarely the case. Lately, the past years, have been just crazy. No relationship lasts, everyone breaks up. Celebrities, friends on fb, friends around me. That's why it's so impressive when you see two old couples that are still together, assuming they married once with that person. I don't know, maybe that couple got married in their 50's and have been together for "only" 10-20 years. I'm talking about the marriages that lasted for a decade! Those are impressive, if they still exist...

Anyway, I have similar views on love as erryone else, it should be real, serious and pure. We all want this deep down, but a lot of people today can't live by this. We're all fudged up nowadays.  

Instead of blabbing on about this, lemme give you some damn tips on how to make shit last a little longer than usual: 

It's damn sad that I have to write this down because people can't figure this out themselves .

1. Always tell the truth, because the truth will always find its way to the surface.

2. Trust, is the most important thing in a relationship. Have trust in each other and things will go waaayyy smoother.
3. Don't lose yourself while loving someone else. You don't wanna be dependent on someone else but yourself. Don't ever forget your value and who you are. 
4. Listen to your partner and take their feelings seriously. Communication! Especially when shit goes down. Every relationship will have fights and you gotta be able to communicate.
5. Go only into a relationship if you're ready. Only when you've learned to stand on your own damn feet and when you truly love yourself. Because ain't nobody want a person that's broken inside, we don't want a needy ass bitch that's depending on you. 

This list can go on and on. But these are just some fundamental ones. 

Damn, I forgot, we have one more topic to talk about. My first love. I mean, I've already explained it on my old blog. We were teens, probably 12-13 years old. Two emos loving each other but we never saw the world together. It lasted 11 months, could last longer for sure, but shit happened. External shit. 

Now I'm out. 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

20 Styles

Maybe I'm super slow about finding this out, since this video has over 5 million views, but it was released five days ago. Whatever, this is really good!! 20 styles of the Linkin Park song In the End. 

Here's another one from the same guy, he has more of these videos:

Day 03 - Your belief/religion

I used to be an atheist, I also used to believe. Today I am in between. 

I used to think that you, as an individual have all the power to choose your actions, where to go and what to do. You are respoinsible for you own choices and actions. Ther is no force to pull you in any direction, everything is up to you.

Myabe I was influenced by my friends, yeah, I guess I was to some extent. I saw a miracle happen to a friend and I asked her how it had happened, and she told me because she had prayed. I was immediately hooked. Kind of a naive move, I know, but I needed some help, and what better way than to try out the religious way. I was never a very religious person when I believed. I was christian, but I never attended church, read the Holy Bible or whatever jazz revolving that topic. I simply believed in a God, and that God happened to be Jesus. I prayed, that's all I did, every night.

But as time passed, I realized that God never answered my prayers. When I had severe difficulties in life, all he did was.                                    <-- That.


It's very subjective, though. Maybe I didn't see what he wanted to show me? Either way, I got more shit into my life and I kept on cursing God, hating him for pouring me all this shit over me. It's simple from now on, I just stopped believing him. He doesn't exist to me. If he had heard my prayers, I wouldn't be in that shit pit that I was. I actually got better as soon as I stopped believing him. But then...

I ended up in between. Today I believe there's a force, non-human form, this is not a religion, just a question of belief, equal to the question if you believe in aliens. I'd say... It's karma and destiny.

Yeah, I believe in karma and destiny. If something is meant to happen, it will. If you're a bitch, karma will be a bitch to you an hit you back just as hard as you hit, or even harder. I've seen too much of this stuff in the past two years and I can see a connection to everything. Or just like any belief, it's there to calm you down. To make you believe that you're not alone, that all your actions aren't just stupid actions that only you are responsible for. Right? Get what I mean? It's a way for us believers to think that we sometimes deserve some things, that maybe, in the future, there will be a brighter future if we just wait for it. Karma will fix it, of your'e good to karma, karma will be good to you. Destiny will guide you to become the one you were supposed to be. You will of course have influence in karma and destiny, but maybe only 50%.

Anyway, this is a very subjective, philosophical and open topic. But this is my belief.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Day 02 - Five Truths

1. I'm working towards the lonely life I want. Even though it seems like I am around people, love people and all that jazz, like a normal human being. Having a normal social life; I, deep down, try to stay emotionally independent. Only not to feel any attachment when these people leave my life. No sadness. Doesn't mean I won't get sentimental, of course I do. To some extent, but I am thankful for being able to free myself relatively quickly from any individual that leaves my life.

The lonely life I'm talking about is the life where I life by myself, with my animals, with no human being around me, because deep down people are complicated and annoying to me. I can have all the drama now, when I have the energy to deal with it, but when I get older, I will live alone. And I will be perfectly happy about it, even though some will see me as weird for liking this.

2. I often feel like an alien. Meaning I don't feel like I beling anywhere. I've felt this since my teenage years. That I am something different, I can't put my finger on what it is, it's just a feeling that I'm just... I don't know, maybe this feeling is based on truth #1, why I wanna be alone, because I always feel like an alien around people. I surely seem normal, but my soul will sometimes remind me of how I truly feel inside.

3. I have some people on this earth that I truly hate. I don't like having to hate anyone in my life, because it brings my mood down when I think about it, you know, hate is a negative feeling. But as I grow up I experience more things and people. And I've gathered some to my hate list. I have to say that there's two individuals that I really hate with my whole gut. I would be extremely happy to see them burn on the stake.

I guess this hate actually comes from my own actions too. That I could have done different but I chose not to because things weren't in the right conditions. I regret doing things differently. This plus the fact that these people never apologized for what they did, and I don't think they really understand what they did either... If they feel bad about it. I don't think they do, because they're so fed up with themselves.

4. I don't like babies and children. They scare me and make me uncomfortable because they're so fragile and I can hurt them with my adult powers. Haha, wut? No, but seriously. That's one part of the whole not-liking-babies thing.

The other half is the real truth: they're so extremely annoying. I can't stand them! The cries of a baby, the gross things that run down their faces, their constant need for attention! I could write a whole book about this, why babies are annoying. I will have a post about this on the blog. (Here it is)

5. I'm scared of parents. Especially a partners' parents, in my case a boyfriends' parents. I am also scared of friends parents, any parent! If I'm being put on the child-parent situation, I will surely become a bit scared. Why? Simply because I have so much respect to parents. They're like a boss, they are bosses of my friend/boyfriend. You get what I mean?

When I worked at the lab, I surely had tons of parents around me, but we were on the same level, we were all employees and so it was just about getting to know everyone, viewing them as friends, but I did have some extra respect and considered what I said because after all, they are older than me and I do have respect to elders. But not everyone is scary, just like with any other individual, there will be people that you have better chemistry with than others.

This being said, I am scared of some parents simply because I have a lot of respect for them.

Are these truths or confessions? :P

Friday, September 5, 2014

I Don't Want Any Children - And This Is Why

This will probably be the biggest post I've ever made in my whole life. I've had these thoughts for so many years and I feel like it's time to pour it out into a text.

As the title states, I don't want any children. No babies, no kiddies. No nothing. And I will probably never understand the rest of the world, why they want children. 

Sure, it's about transferring your genes, it's about creating the ultimate creature between you and your loved one. You are a human and the best way to feel love is to feel love from another human. So what better way than to create another lil' homo sapiens that is a mixture between YOU and the other person that you love the most on this earth, your partner? It is surely a beautiful creature when you have your own baby in your arms. And the beautiful bond that you will feel when it's in your stomach. The fact that you're growing another human in your body, you are growing life, a "clone" of yourself. The uncondidional love every parent will have for their child is unimaginable, it's probably the ultimate form of love. "I made this", is what both parents will proudly say. 

Is this what you all feel about babies and children? 

I remember, once upon a time, when I was younger (to be more specific: when I was under 10 years old and played with dolls) that I've never wanted a big family. I once wanted children, or should I say: a child. I only wanted one kid, that's the most that I could imagine having. But as I kept growing up, that thought disappeard, and it did very quickly. I've been having these thoughts for sooo long, for so many years, that I am anti-children.

I seriously want no children.

I've said this to everyone that I know and I've always had the same respons: "Oh, you will change. You will want it later.". I'm in my most fertile years of my life and every person that I've asked "Do you want children?" have all said yes, yes and yes. I haven't met a single person in my life that have said a straight and confident no, I've only met one person, that's me. Just me. 

I have seen the beauty and happiness of having a big family with unconditional love. I feel it everytime I travel to my relatives where I'm being showered with love from so many people. I've seen that beautiful love. But this still doesn't change my mind.

I mean, seriously, I think I've seen all the beautiful aspects of children, family life and all that jazz, that SHOULD HAVE persuaded me to have children, like everyone else. I haven't actually experienced the worse of children. I haven't experienced the late night cries of a baby, the hardships of seeing what a pregnant woman is going through. So what makes me want no children?

I have no idea.

Where is this feeling coming from? Why am I not like everyone else, like every woman? Most of you want children in the future, but why don't I? Am I not ready for one? Hell yeah, I'm obviously not ready, I don't think most 20 year olds are, but I don't think I ever will be ready. I don't see myself with a growing human in my tummy when I'm 25, 30, ever. 

Let's start from the beginning of life. Let me rant and give you my perspective: 

I don't like the thought of having a positive pregnancy test. That is the first life chaning moment of a woman. Should I keep the baby or not? For me, that would freak me the fuck out, that would feel like I received news that I have HIV, Ebola or whatever disease that can't be cured (fortunately, pregnancy can be "cured"). 

Then people decide to keep the baby. Making it grow in the tummy, they start feeling a bond with the baby, the life that is growing in there. You change your whole life at this point! You leave drugs out of your life, you start eating healthier, you dedicate your life to this life inside of you! You start buying things to this baby: clothes, toys, food, bed, all that stuff.

For me, I would feel like an alien is growing inside of me. That I am having a parasite that I am feeding and am supposed to love. Do you know how scared I am of this? I feel like hyperventilating as I'm writing this. As mentioned, your body goes through a whole change. I mean... You change. Do you get it? Your body is changing. It's like you have a disease. A disease that will last for nine months and you can just hope for as little complications as possible when you've popped that thing out after nine months. You will still have that extra weigh, probably gathered tons of stretch marks and all that stuff. You know what I mean. Marks from the pregnancy, scars from the disease. Don't forget the nine month torture of puking, mood changes, cramps, cravings and all that. Being on your period for nine months straight, but x10 worse.

Then it's time for labor. Wow, the most horrifying moment. I can't even imagine the pain. People say it hurts like hell. I'm sure it really does. I mean, this stuff scares me, it's like surgery without numbing your body. Medieval torture, lulz. I know we have C-section as an option too, but I'm talking about the other thing people decide to go through. 

Time to care and raise the child. Do I have to write this part? I'll make it as short as possible. You stop working and it's a full time job to care for this baby. The late night cries, the insanity you go through because of this baby. The life changing, never ending process of raising a child! I have so many thoughts about this part that I can't even write this down orderly. 

It is really annoying to raise a child! The poop, the snot, the tears, the screams. All you can do is to care unconditionally. you can't speak to a baby, it has no purpose but to get attention because it wants food and love. Or to change the diapers. 

As it grows up, things will change again. First of all, throughout your whole life with your child(ren), you will have to pay for everything! I mean a lot of things, from fertilization state till you're dead. That's the first thing: you have to put money into the kiddos. Clothes, toys, medicine, entertainment, etc.

Theeeen, when it's integrating with society, it'll start talking about other people, will start comparing stuff with other people. I mean, I'm talking about everything: clothes, toys, appearance, and more. 

I'm having a head ache at this point. 

Then you have to teach it about morals, views, opinions, thoughts, feelings and maaaaaan, it's a lot. I am already confused by the complexity of human kind, how the hell will I teach a child all of this. (let them live life for themselves and support and help them as they go, I know.) 

You also have pressure for them to succeed. You don't want your child to be a loser, do you? To work at McDonalds. You want your kid to have money, succeed, be happy and whatnot. That puts pressure on you as a parent. You will feel like a failure if your child goes down. 

Okay, at this point I am totally having a head ache, I can't think any further, but I have so much more to say. I might continue another time. 

All in all, I am, obviously for abortion. I wish I was a man, don't have to go through all these thoughts. Weird ending. Whatever. 

HOWEVER, I do wanna replace children with animals, specifically dogs! I am totally in love with dogs as women are to babies.

There will be a part II

31 Days List - Day 01

New category: "31 Days List"

I feel like I'm abandoning this blog because I give more attention to another blog that I have, but this is my main blog so I shouldn't put this aside. Since I suck at updating my life events I figured I could do this list to keep my blog updated and my readers distracted while waiting for an update of my life. I'll do my best to keep up with this list.

Day 01 - Present yourself 
Day 02 - Five truths
Day 03 - Your belief/religion
Day 04 - Your thoughts on love, and your first love
Day 05 - Someone I miss
Day 06 - Five pictures that make me happy
Day 07 - I regret this
Day 08 - An awkward moment
Day 09 - I wish to experience this again
Day 10 - Five words that best describe me
Day 11 - This makes me upset
Day 12 - A significant year of your life
Day 13 - A moment I'll never forget
Day 14 - Three places I wanna visit
Day 15 - Five pictures from 2012
Day 16 - This makes me cry
Day 17 - Something that fascinates me
Day 18 - My dream job
Day 19 - This is always in my bag
Day 20 - This song makes me feel good
Day 21 - Someone/something I admire
Day 22 - My bad sides
Day 23 - My type of humour
Day 24 - This is what I used to look like
Day 25 - My type of music
Day 26 - Something that makes me feel good
Day 27 - A song that makes me happy
Day 28 - My favorite movie
Day 29 - If this was my last day
Day 30 - My biggest celeb. crush
Day 31 - Where do you see yourself in 10 years

Day 01 - Present Yourself

I've had this question before on my old, Swedish blog that I wrote in 2011, can be read here: click.

Let's see how much difference there is from three years ago and now. 

I'm pretty much the same as three years ago, but more mature I'd say. More mature and boring, calmer, also not as happy and hyper as I used to be from that old post. I saw a naive person in that old post but not that much has changed I think. 

My personality type is ESTP/ESFP, lately I think I'm ESFP, otherwise I've been an ESTP. 

I'm a 20 year old bitch. Born the same day as Hitler. Attending med. school, biomedicine, sounds advanced? Yeah, that's what I've always heard from people. 

I need to have a purpose, a goal in life. Anyway, I am an active soul. I thrive on actions and always having to do something, always on the move. If I don't have an outlet for it, I will release it mentally. Through writing and/or art. Any form of art. But I can't sit around and do nothing with my life. People that know me have heard me complaining about feeling down or sad because I feel like I have nothing to work towards, this will make me confused in life. 

I can easily forgive and forget. This isn't because the person deserves to be forgiven but because I have to forgive for my own well being. Deep down I am a free soul, and I can't stand around for too long and dwell on the negative things in life. 

Let's just say I'm a lil flame. Passionate about things, never giving up on things I care about, always seem happy lighting peoples lives, but I am also down to earth, boring as mud. I do believe in astrology and I am a cusp sign, after all, born between Aries and Taurus. So I have tendencies of both I guess? I think it's a mature way of handling it. That I am passionate like an Aries but I can tone it down, like the Taurus, when needed. 

I guess the Aries in me is the child and the Taurus the adult in me.