Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Hahaha wut?

These videos just killed me! So funny, hahah??

Ok, so this one!!! I can watch it all day long and still find it hilarious!! DAT FACE!

Hahahaha, I just love Alice and how the host be like "det kan du glömma"!

Now I've just recently found that my elementary school teacher, actually my favorite teacher was participating in this program in the first vidayo! And he won! Link:

Haven't seen him since... Elementary... Over 4 years. So nice to see him again, and he hasn't aged at all! he pwnd them all!! Ofc he won! He was a damn good teacher! Taught us well!

Updated: Haha, imagine this look for seconds. <3


  1. Haha :D
    Vad tycktes om hans frozen smile i början då? ;P
    Anmäl honom till.. "Vem är smartare än en femteklassare" ! (Man borde göra det i smyg).

    1. Hahah, ja, det ansiktet! Weird och creepy xD men så komiskt.
      Ja, man borde anmäla honom! Han borde delta där...
