I was gonna be in Stockholm between the 9-13 of April.
Day 1: 9 April: Malin's studentskiva:
(I had to get home by myself because of the traffic at that time, so my bro couldn't pick me up. In Centralen I got a free ticket from a random asian tourist-looking girl. Thank you very much for your kindness and generousity. <3)
I managed to attend Malin's studentskiva. So I decided to leave Jkpg the same day and I arrived in the afternoon. Nobody at home, I was hungry and tired but was locked out for over 30 mins I think. I was on Bear Grylls-mode.
Immediately had a party the same night. It was the first time I was gonna party with Malin, which have been like an impossibility before, so it was amazing that this opportunity appeared. I was happy to hear from the wardrobe girl that she thanked me for being the first person to tug all my sweaters, scarfs and such into the arm of my jacket. People didn't do that? Oh well... I'm used to the club scene. ;)
Unfortunately I didn't get as drunk as I wanted to. I don't even know what was going on with me... I guess I was a bit too careful with the drinking. I only had like 2-3 beers and one Tequila shot and I never reached my climax. I felt dizzy but it didn't stay for too long, I went downhill pretty fast and by 1 am I went home. The way home was a hassle. A bit of panic when I didn't know where all the busses went, but I managed to get myself home with help from some random nice guys on the street and my intuition.
It was really nice to meet all Malin's friends. All those people she has spoken about. I got to speak to Teresia and a bit with Felicia (ofc we spoke about Zelda). Then the party began. Dancing and dancing <3 This random "stone head"-guy NEVER left me alone! He was on me all the freaking time! "You are seriously the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." "Can I just speak to you for a minute outside, I'll just take one cigarette." You know, stuff like that! Then he tried to dance with me, spin me around, being behind me. Pffft, bitch please, I'm riding solo all night long. I quickly told Malin to save me from this guy, I told her to be my lesbian girlfriend. Hahaha, she immediately tried to kiss me on the mouth, we never did, but it was close enough for that guy to be freaked out and screaming "ouuuhhh, are you lesbian?!" "YEEES!", I screamed, haha. Then later, he still didn't give up, he came up to me again and was like "are you really a lesbian?" I'm bisexual, I replied. Still he retard didn't understand! So later on, again, he came up to me and tried to hook up. This time I screamed that I have a boyfriend and he has no damn chance with me!! When I left, I saw him leaving too, I quickly took my stuff and ran off the club, calling Islam and never looked back.
This was probably the best skiva I've been to. I usually don't like these, but this time was the best I've been to. Most likely because of Malin's presence. <3 So nice to see her as she came outta the club the first time to hang out with me (as people weren't let in yet).
We went crazy for each other
Day 2: Hang out with family
Fortunately I didn't meet any friends this day because I felt pretty exhausted and had a tummy ache from the alcohol from the night before. First off I got an awesome morning, slept so well and so long. In the afternoon me and my brother went to pick up mom to head for the embassy to get a visa for her and my lil' bro for the vacation in the summer. Then we went to an Indian restaurant. The food was so damn good!!!! That sauce! I'll never forget... I had some chicken file with veggies. At first I didn't like the sight, but when they arrived with a sauce I was damn happy because that sauce really did the job for the meal. After that we finished up by going some grocery shopping and this is where I got my big ass pack of 30 packs of my favourite noodles!!!
The interior was stunning in the Indian restaurant
I'm in ramen heaven
Day 3: Met Josefine for the first time in ca. 3.5 years (?)
I randomly added Josefine on Facebook again and we started chatty chatty a bit, then it was time to meet her. She has changed a lot, appearance wise, but I felt she was still pretty much the same Josefine as I remembered haning out with.
First off we went to the blood central. I've decided to start donating blood and I've given away a sample of my blood for testing. Josefine totally didn't expect to hang out in the blood central as a first-time-meeting, haha. After that we went to Blue Fox because I needed to buy some more red toning for my red head. A lot of old memories were swinging around in that store. This was all I needed to do and now it was all spontaneous hang out. We headed to Gallerian and went to H&M where I got some golden bracelets and a shirt.
Then we sat down for a frozen yogurt, first time I tried such stuff. Sigh.. Being a farmer in Jkpg isn't easy.
But this is where I got a surprise! Josefne and Jennifer had bought a birthday present for me in 2011, which Josefine had saved up until now! None of us thought we'd ever meet each other again but it was really shocking that she had saved this beauuutiful present:
I totally love it! It was very thoughtful of her to give me this at this time and moment. Perfect timing, because I'm also into mugs recently. Drinking tea, hot choco and such in these mugs makes me very happy and fancy-feeling. Having this obligatory Slipknot mug made my life complete. <3
I then told her a bit about my hoby/interest about abandoned places and I wanted to visit my good ol' tunnel. She agreed on visiting it, since it's her first time and she has never experienced such stuff before. Off we went.
The tunnel looked like it has always done, a bit surprised that it's cleaner on the outside. There used to be a huge motorcycle part by the entrance, which was gone this time... We went in as usual, with the flashlights from my phone and iPod. We didn't go far inside until we heard a buzzing noise. It was pretty damn loud. It sounded first like an organ, some crackhead was inside playing on an organ, lol. But we stopped and listened. I perceived the noise as a machine, some kind of machine running. Thing is... I've never heard that noise ever before in my visits. I suddenly got scared because Josefine wanted to turn around and go back. It's not the first time any of my company turns their heel back, so I wasn't disappointed. The stupid side of me wanted to continue and find out what that noise was, but thinking back on it... It was probably the best thing to just leave the tunnel for this time. That was a good pinch of Amnesia (game) feeling (when we saw the light and the heavy feeling inside our bodies just dissociated).
We walked back to Söder. My home boy neighbourhood, and headed for Slussen to visit some shops there.
We ended up to take a rest in Donken and then continued walking from Slussen-Gamla Stan-T-C, and I think that was the end of the day. 5-6 PM? Fredrik was added. Speaking of old memories. Josefine always see Iss when she's in town. I rarely see Iss for obvious reasons, but BAM! There he was, just metres from us when Josefine and I were heading to our trains. No green hat anymore. :(
It was nice to meet Josefine again after such a long time! Lots of stuff were catched up on, but one common ground we still shared was that we hung out in town for a long time and did random stuff, just like the ol' days.
I was gonna party tonight with Diana, but nu-uh, I didn't feel well enough for that. Though I had brought extra party stuff for this special night, but wasn't able to attend.
Day 4: Meeting with the girls and Malin!
It was time to meet Ella, Nadda and Aramia again! After such a looong time! We hadn't met each other since graduation! Except for Aramia, I've met her after that, but not the other two girls! We went to Espresso House and talked for a couple of hours, about anything, just catching up what everyone's doing and such. I've talked to Nadda during the year, but never got time to actually meet her so it was nice to finally meet her again. Last time I was in Stockholm I didn't have the energy to hang out with Aramia since I had a party the night before, so now was a good time to meet her. Diana was gonna come too but she couldn't in last minute. And then it was nice to meet Ella too. We were okay friends in high school, hung out a bit but were never really close, but she has still a part in my IEGS-heart.
At 4 PM it was time to meet my beloved Malin. <3 Another fika at a cafe was done and we spoke about everything, as usual. Then we went into the shopping center nearby and guess who we saw Katarina, metres from us. I never saw her, only Malin did and told me to look that way. Phew, no eye contact. When we went out of the centre we passed Katarina and Helena too! I was evil and said that someone had updated their machine. Hur passande var inte det, when I found out that was Helena.
How cute isn't that smile?!
I've been longing for these and I finally got them from Malin
During the day I got invited to a little concert and I was doubtful at first, but then I went. It wasn't very good, since I'm not into that kind of music, but it was beautiful anyway. Folkmusik. The time was passed 6 PM and I was very tired.
Shit went on. We walked from T-C to Gamla Stan, just walking around talking and then went home. I came home at like 8:00 - 8.30 PM. Exhaustionnn.
By the end of the day, when I went off my train at home I see someone. It was just so random and we could've missed each other but we looked at each other and it took me a while to recognize who it was. So different looking now, but we greeted quickly. My neighbour.
During my visit I've been crazy about Zelda. Yeah, I have another project going on again. I can never finish a Zelda game! I don't know what's wrong with me! But in recent years that's what has happened! Skyward Sword: failed to finish, have the last temple left to finish. Twilight Princess: same. Then I jumped to A Link Between Worlds: same thing happened and now I'm into Minish Cap: I'll probably stop at the last temple. These are the ones I haven't finished, the rest I have/haven't played/stopped playing. But the thing all Zelda games have in common for me is that true passion. I can't stop playing 'em.
And then Sunday. Day 5. Time to go home. :( Reality calls. School and duties. It was a well deserved vacation for me, after being locked up for 1-2 months.
Whateveerrrrrrr, because next week will still be good! I have some plans going on! And it's my birthday in exactly one week! Oh daymn, the time has passed 12 and it's now 6 days till I'm 20!!! GAAHHH!
Even though parties are my favourite parts of being in Stockholm, this time, with one less partying, it was still one of the most amazing times I've had at home. So much feelz with everyone!
Done writing 14 April: 00:14
Malin: Aaah, vilken händelserik vistelse! Önskar du kunde komma oftare hit, fan ta avståndet mellan Jkpg och ditt egentliga hem! :( Du anar inte hur lycklig jag är över att du kunde komma på skivan; att tillbringa tid med dig öht är meningen med livet men att du var en del av such a joyous event betyder extra mycket. Att se dig umgås med resten av mina nära vänner har försett mig med tillräckligt mycket energi för det kommande året. DU ÄR BEZT MVH DITT STÖRSTA FAN_94 <3 <3 <3