1. Today was a good day for my Android usage. First off, I had updated my battery saving app (I use Easy Battery Saver) and the update totally sucked. Many customers complained and I was no exception. The update contained new unneccessary features that totally drained the battery faster than ever before. And so I gave my feedback and hated the world, until an idea popped up in my head.
Why don't I just download the old version externally?
BAYM!! I googled and apk file and there it was, the old version. I uninstalled the original app and downloaded the old version. BAM, my phone is now back to normal and my battery is saved.
2. SwiftKey is, in my opinion, the best keyboard out there on Google Play. I was just browsing the themes available for the app and I noticed the premier pack had its price crossed over and I started wondering what the actual price was (thought it was a sale). I didn't see anything because it said "FREE" right next to the price! And since SwiftKey's new themes are beautiful, I was of course thrilled! I downloaded the whole pack for free!! Thank you SwiftKey!!!! Daymn, these themes are beautiful!!! That was a nice moment, not even needing to update the whole app to get new themes, as you had to before. Good moment of shit.
And then we have this iPhone 6 coming out. I really believe that Apple went down since Jobs died. You guys aren't unique anymore. Apple keeps copying Android and you guys slowly, but steady are turning into Androids for every update. Just saying, just saying. I have an iPod 5 touch, I know what I'm talking about.
I even thought to myself... "The day iPhones are customizable like Androids, will be the day I'll buy an iPhone". Betrayal of Android. :( No, the only reason would be for Apple's camera. That's all, becuase the camera of the middle range Androids aren't that good. But then I just asked my heart, and I actually can never turn myself to Apple. I will stand by Android, especially Xperia. I love you guys. I'm a true Sony (Ericsson) customer.
And that's also the beauty of Android. You can solve anything with Android! If something effs up, you can simply google the problem and there will be something for you. Unhappy with an update of an app? There's probably an old version on Google. We love Google, and Google is running Android. See the power I'm talking about?
I might seem immature about this Android vs. Apple thing. "Why don't you just let people be?! Let them buy whatevah' dey waant!" Well, I am passionate about innovation (Android) and having full power of your device (customization. Fixin'-trixin') rather than worshipping a copy cat and being stuck with fixed usage (Apple).
I ain't hatin' on Apple users, because some of the best people in my life are real "Apples" (loyal Apple users), but just sayin'... I ain't hatin' on you guys. No judging. I'm just gonna do some green Android graffiti on your house. Just gonna reset your brain and teach you the Android life.
No, but in all seriousness. I'm just really passionate and proud about Android and it gets really annoying when people say all the new Apple features are new when they actually copied Android. That's probably on of the factors of how the war started.
(On the other hand... I do love Apple when it comes to their iPods, that's where I'm a true fan of them; but not the rest of their products...)
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