Monday, September 8, 2014

Day 04 - Your thoughts on love, and your first love

Day 04 - Your thoughts on love, and your first love

I've had this question answered before in Swedish 2011, from my old blog (here). It's really interesting to read how I viewed this topic back then, 3 years ago and how I think about this now.

When I wrote that old post I was dating my, now, ex. He was my very first boyfriend to have a "real" relationship with. Meaning we hung out and did a lot of activities together, we were truly in love, we had met each others parents, travelled together and such. But I've been in love before meeting him, which also involved real feelings, I'll come back to it later in this text. 

Two years have passed since that ex that I dated between 2011-2012. He is significant to me because it was my first serious one. 

Now to the actual topic of this post, I'm kind of clueless of what to write actually... 



I mean... My view on love? I used to be a role model when it came to this topic. Haha, but now I'm just a lost soul. You're probably wondering what happened. It's a long story of course, very complicated too. But that's for another time. 

Here's my thoughts on love: I'm freaking tired of it, right now, at this point in life. But I do enjoy the feeling of love, who doesn't? I like that passion and to share love with someone, feeling the butterflies and such. 

But my fundamental opinions of love and relationships will always be the same. To be faithful, have trust in your loved one and all that traditional jazz. It is really easy to get carried away with you are deeply in love with someone. You become excited, you always want to hear from your loved one, want to be with them 24/7. I don't really know what else to say, my opinion is the traditional way. Things should last as much as possible. 

But that's rarely the case. Lately, the past years, have been just crazy. No relationship lasts, everyone breaks up. Celebrities, friends on fb, friends around me. That's why it's so impressive when you see two old couples that are still together, assuming they married once with that person. I don't know, maybe that couple got married in their 50's and have been together for "only" 10-20 years. I'm talking about the marriages that lasted for a decade! Those are impressive, if they still exist...

Anyway, I have similar views on love as erryone else, it should be real, serious and pure. We all want this deep down, but a lot of people today can't live by this. We're all fudged up nowadays.  

Instead of blabbing on about this, lemme give you some damn tips on how to make shit last a little longer than usual: 

It's damn sad that I have to write this down because people can't figure this out themselves .

1. Always tell the truth, because the truth will always find its way to the surface.

2. Trust, is the most important thing in a relationship. Have trust in each other and things will go waaayyy smoother.
3. Don't lose yourself while loving someone else. You don't wanna be dependent on someone else but yourself. Don't ever forget your value and who you are. 
4. Listen to your partner and take their feelings seriously. Communication! Especially when shit goes down. Every relationship will have fights and you gotta be able to communicate.
5. Go only into a relationship if you're ready. Only when you've learned to stand on your own damn feet and when you truly love yourself. Because ain't nobody want a person that's broken inside, we don't want a needy ass bitch that's depending on you. 

This list can go on and on. But these are just some fundamental ones. 

Damn, I forgot, we have one more topic to talk about. My first love. I mean, I've already explained it on my old blog. We were teens, probably 12-13 years old. Two emos loving each other but we never saw the world together. It lasted 11 months, could last longer for sure, but shit happened. External shit. 

Now I'm out. 

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